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Blankets for Papichat

Poor Papichat's teeth are so damaged that he can no longer chew...
photo association
Blankets for Papichat
Poor Papichat's teeth are so damaged that he can no longer chew...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Papichat's teeth are so damaged that he can no longer chew...

1. His dental condition no longer allows him to chew...

Papichat is a 13-year-old cat who has spent a significant part of his life on the streets. His teeth are badly damaged, so we need to take him to the vet to determine if it's necessary to have any removed. In any case, he is no longer able to chew dry food.

2. Blankets would keep him warm for the winter

A set of blankets would allow Papichat to rest more comfortably and maintain his body temperature. It would also provide him with added comfort, especially following potential dental or veterinary treatments.

3. The association is hit with a typhus epidemic!

At present, we manage around thirty cats in foster homes, and another thirty as free roaming cats. We are dealing with a difficult situation, with the constant arrival of kittens.

Sadly, typhus has even spread to the foster homes! Several fatalities have taken place due to this disease...

Association L'Arche de Ploum
25320 TORPES
FR France
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